PC-SIG: World of Games
PC-SIG World of Games (CDRM1080710) (1993).iso
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Text File
35 lines
Disk No: 2975
Disk Title: The Ancients 1: The Deathwath
PC-SIG Version: S1.0
Program Title: Ancients I: The Deathwatch
Author Version: 1.2
Author Registration: $23.95
Special Requirements: 640K RAM, VGA, hard drive, and Microsoft compatibl
ANCIENTS I: THE DEATHWATCH is a fantasy role playing game with excellent
VGA graphics, similar to the games like EYE OF BEHOLDER and BARD'S TALE.
You can create and save your own characters. There are four classes and
three races (elf, dwarf, human), as well as several face portraits (both
male and female) for displaying your character on the screen. The game
a three dimensional viewing screen for exploring the town and the dungeo
as well as a dialogue box for encountering other characters or special
areas of the town and dungeon. The town has an inn, an equipment shop,
guild, a temple, and a casino. All commands are performed by clicking t
mouse on one of several screen icons or on a particular line of text in
dialogue box - rarely will you ever need to touch the keyboard.
Weaponry, armor and the inventory of each character can be displayed and
manipulated on the screen using the mouse. In combat the monsters are
displayed on the screen, and each character can attack, defend, use an
item, cast a spell, or flee. Only magicians and friars can opt to cast
spells. In the game your party of characters will be set on various
missions, and clues will be given on the way. Games can be saved and th
restored at a later date.
1030D East Duane Avenue
Sunnyvale Ca. 94086
(408) 730-9291
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.